Saturday 15 September 2012

All Things New

Text: Revelation 21:1-22:7
I have worn eyeglasses since the fourth grade.  I switched to contact lenses a few years ago under the inspiration of William Golding's book The Lord of the Flies in which things did not fair well for the fat kid who wore glasses.  Surprisingly, thirty-seven years later I can still quite vividly remember walking out of the eye-doctor's office and looking up at the sky and it was like I had never really seen clouds before.  Instead of plain white, indistinct blotches in the sky I now saw every billowy detail.  I could see individual leaves on the trees and individual flowers.  The Blue Ridge Mountains were no longer just a blue, grey bulk in the view from the back porch.  Now I could see the ridges and the details of trees.  To me, my first day of wearing glasses was like seeing a new heaven and a new earth.
When the Apostle John wrote "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more" we should read it in the sense that John is seeing creation made new, made new by means of the presence of God come to dwell in his creation and everything is full of his glory.  John wants to emphasize the newness of it not that it is something all together different.  Like eyeglasses correcting blurry vision so that things look new so heaven and earth become new when God comes to dwell in it and shine forth his glory.
God speaks to John and says, “Behold, I am making all things new."  God is making all things new, the world and everything in it; us each and all our relationships are being made new in the glory of God now that Jesus Christ, the Lamb on the throne has corrected our vision with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.  We now see life by the light of the Lamp of the Lamb.  We see life according to the light of God-glorifying, other-centered, self-sacrificing love which shines through us.  The light of the Lamb is the corrector of our vision.  When God the Father raised Jesus the Son from the dead God began making all things new by the power of the Holy Spirit, the same power of the personal presence of God which is at work in us now. 
Your history lesson for the morning, John wrote this vision of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven from God some twenty-five years or so after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD.  To the Jews and to the earliest Christians the Temple in Jerusalem was where God lived and from where he would reign and from where in righteousness he was going to put the world to rights.  But the Romans had destroyed the city and the Temple.  So, where was God to dwell on earth and from where would he reign on earth?  Well, breaking into the code of the Book of Revelation, the New Jerusalem, the new heaven and new earth are not things we should simply ascribe to the future and forget them until they come about.  The new heaven and the new earth are as much present realities as they are future.  We see heaven and earth now as if they are the new heaven and the new earth since we have been made alive in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.  Therefore, since God dwells in us what we are as the church is the New Jerusalem.
Ever since Pentecost the New Jerusalem has been coming from heaven from God to earth.  God has come to dwell with his peoples.  This is who we are.  The New Jerusalem, you and I, this congregation, all congregations, the church all over the world is the New Jerusalem.  Yet, don't think about it in terms of the institution called the church.  Think of it in terms of a relational network, of people's bonded together in the new man, Jesus Christ, by means of the communioning work of the Hoy Spirit.  The glory of God shines through us, through our relational bond.  The light of the lamb shines through us.  The light of God-glorifying, other-centered, self-sacrificing love shines through us.  No matter how small, whithered, and insignificant we may appear we each and all together are the New Jerusalem coming from heaven from God to earth.  In us, among us is the place on earth where God dwells among the nations.  Am I being redundant enough on this?  Let me hear somebody say "amen".  In fact, how about all of God's people say "Amen" because that is what all creation is saying to what God the Father through Jesus the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.  That's what John says he saw happening in heaven in chapter four of the Revelation.  All creation saying "Amen".  People join in.  People of God say "amen".
Time for a commercial to rally you up a little more.  Here's a short video of what the Bible Society of Australia has been up to. 
One last thing to mention from the Revelation, we are the leaves of the Tree of Life watered by the River of Life (the Holy Spirit) that flows forth from the relationship of God the Father and God the Son (the Throne and the Lamb).  We, the leaves of this tree, you and me, are for the healing of the nations.  In 1960 the Yali, the people in that video were a Stone Age people for whom vengeance and feuding were the way of life.  Missionaries went to them and worked to get the Bible into their own language so that they could read it, know it, ingest it, and live it.  Two of those missionaries were martyred in the 70’s.  Today, the Yali live in peace still relatively unpolluted from Western life.  It is hard to watch that and not say “Jesus is Lord!”  Jesus is Lord.  There is living proof of that.  They drink of the River of Life.  So should we?
  Therefore, drink of the River of Life and go and heal the nations.  The missional life of the church arises from the out-flowing of the Holy Spirit which results in the outgrowing of the church.  We must be growing out there, out there in front of and in the midst of the people of our communities.  The New Jerusalem comes from heaven to earth.  Therefore, we grow from the pew to the neighbourhood not from the neighbourhood to the pew.  The River flows forth from the city.  It is not a stagnant lake.  The Tree of Life is not hidden behind walls in someone's courtyard garden.  It grows forth into our neighbourhoods that peoples may be healed. 
We are those who are seeing the New Heaven and the New Earth.  The New Jerusalem is in our midst.  The River of Life is flowing forth from here.  There Tree of Life is growing forth from.  God is making not only all things new.  He is making us new too. Go your families, your neighbourhoods, our communities and bear the Light of the Lamb.  If the Lordship of Jesus gloried forth from the Yali people by means of only four “missionaries”, what could happen in your neighbourhoods?  Jesus is coming.   Amen.