Saturday 2 July 2016

The Word of Peace and Works of Healing

Luke 10:1-20
If you were to ask me to put my head in a noose professionally, I would probably do it by saying the church today needs a corrective as to what it is proclaiming as the Gospel.  We have truncated the Gospel that Jesus himself and the early church proclaimed. That Gospel was the proclamation that God has and is saving the entirety of his creation in, through, and as Jesus Christ who was God the Son become human, lived, died, and was raised and ascended to the Father as Lord of all creation.  The Trinity has poured their self and their power to reign upon us in and as the gift of the Holy Spirit, the presence and power who is the bond of love that holds Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in union. 
We have truncated this Good News of God’s Creation-healing gift of himself into a gospel that is concerned simply with me and my sin and my fears about death.  This truncated gospel follows the basic format that God loves you and sent his Son to die for you because your sin has cut you off from him and eternal life in heaven.  You just need to believe that God did that, confess you are a sinner, and invite Jesus into your heart and you won’t have to fear dying, and…maybe…you’ll get to have a born again experience.      
If you are a serious student of the Bible and actually read the thing you will notice that the Gospel that’s in the Bible, that Jesus himself and the early church proclaimed is quite different from this truncation that we are accustomed to hearing.  Luke here gives us a glimpse. The Gospel they proclaimed was that the Kingdom of God, the Reign of God, has come upon us in, through, with, and as Jesus Christ and is coming fully very soon.  Basically, as it is in heaven so shall it be on earth by the being and work Jesus.  The reality of this coming of the Reign of God was demonstrated with works of power as Luke says: a word of peace and works of healing, and even the expulsion of the demonic. 
The content of Jesus’ Gospel augmented a bit after his death, resurrection and ascension to include the proclamation that Jesus has defeated sin, death, and evil and that all things are being made new in Christ Jesus by the gift of the Holy Spirit to us and will be finally put to rights when Jesus returns and God makes all creation new, a new heaven and a new earth where God’s reign is not hindered by sin, death, and evil.  Add to this, we God has adopted us as his beloved children sharing in the relationship that Jesus has with the Father due to our union with Jesus in the Spirit.  The Kingdom, the Reign of God is everywhere that Jesus and his authority are present; Jesus and the loving communion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit given to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit. 
To us today this means that the personal presence of Christ Jesus is here with us in our fellowship through the Holy Spirit so that we share in his relationship with God the Father as his brothers and sisters and co-inheritors of the Kingdom.  The King and the Kingdom are with us.  We have some really, really good news to offer that is very historically “real” and that goes beyond saying “you’ve got a problem called sin that you need to take care of so that you don’t die and go to hell and here’s the magic formula.” 
We, gathered right here right now, have a real community of faith in which Jesus himself is present.  Jesus is here; Jesus, the one whom God raised from the dead, the one who sits at the right hand of God and rules the cosmos.  Like those seventy disciples Jesus has granted to us the authority to extend his peace (the loving communion in God) to this town and surrounding community, authority to bring real healing to the difficult and indeed crippling situations of life, and even the authority to dispel evil.  By the gift of his Holy Spirit and by his own Word Jesus Christ has given this authority to us and the power to make evident the good news that his kingdom has come to this town.  People can listen and accept this Good News or reject it.  He has given us the authority to bless with a word of peace, to bring healing, even to cast out evil.
Having said all that I think there is a deeper question we need to ask of ourselves and maybe even of God: “Are we truly offering this community the Good News of the Kingdom of God with us now and coming fully at the end of time through Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit…or…is it some other gospel or maybe even no gospel at all?”  Before I left West Virginia at the last Presbytery meeting I attended, I listened as the chair of the budget and finance committee of the Presbytery announced that the money just wasn’t there to carry out the current operations of the Presbytery.  The provision that God promises along the way for his disciples to live on while they proclaim the Good News wasn’t coming in.  They needed to scale back.  That meant paid staff and the support of certain outreach ministries in the Presbytery were going to have to go.  The chair of the Budget and Finance Committee offered the blunt observation that evangelism or rather the lack there of was the true culprit.  With the exception of a few anomalous congregations the same observation holds true for the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  We are losing more than we are taking in, death being the primary reason.  It should certainly tell us something if those coming to Christ can’t keep up with those going to be with Christ. 
I would push the observation of my friend down in WV a bit further.  He is correct to say that Evangelism or the lack there of is the true culprit, but we have to ask why?  Why are we so reluctant about spreading the very real Good News of the Kingdom of God come and coming in Christ Jesus?  That’s the real question.  Maybe we’re afraid that God won’t keep his end of the bargain.  If that is the case then lack of faith is the true issue.  As faith is what arises when the faithfulness of God meets human fidelity, our ability to trust and be faithful, and the ultimate proof of God’s faithfulness to us is his presence with us.  Maybe it is that our churches suffer from not knowing that Jesus is really with us as he promised to be even unto the end of the age.  Creating faith is God’s work.  It is not something we can do on our own.  But we can certainly humble ourselves and let God out of the box and pray “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”  We can ask God to let us know him more deeply.
We have a certain set eyeglasses through which we see the church and I think those eyeglasses keep us from having a vision of the Kingdom.  Its time we got a new prescription.  We have our idea, our idol of what church ought to be and we’re a bit reluctant to think and to look outside of that box and catch a glimpse of the Kingdom of God as it is truly in our midst as the presence of Jesus Christ.  We look at the church through our eyeglasses and see Worship done according to this order, Sunday School, Youth Group, picnics, fellowship hour after worship, Bible Study, Session and Committee meetings, being there for each other, and occasionally doing something to help the poor.  But, look at the New Testament and it says the Kingdom is peace, real healing, the casting out of evil, and a fellowship built on serving one another in love.  I hope you’re beginning to see the contrast.  We have our way of doing things and call it church.  Jesus has his way of doing things and calls it the Kingdom of God.  We are very committed to what we call church, and we feel secure in that familiarity.  But shouldn’t we rather be committed to Jesus and his Kingdom and accept the vulnerability of being lambs among wolves and start living and proclaiming him and his kingdom?
Our task is to go forth and proclaim the Kingdom, the Reign of God in Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ, and as Jesus Christ, the reign of God here on earth as it is in heaven; and to do this until he comes.  Jesus said to first ask the Lord of the Harvest to send forth harvesters and then those whom the Lord sends forth are to go.  As we have all been given the Holy Spirit and thus a share in Christ’s authority, we must all go.  But, we do not go forth saying, “Do you know you’re a sinner and you’re going to hell if you do not accept Christ?”  No!  We go forth with a word of peace.  We go forth saying, “The peace of Christ be with you.”  I do not know of anyone who does not need the peace that comes from knowing that in Christ it is on earth as it is in heaven, that God is putting things to rights.  The amazing thing is that when we give this blessing of peace it is not an empty blessing.  The Kingdom of Christ’s peace is present in it. 
Jesus next told his disciples to cure the sick that are there.  The New Testament word for cure doesn’t mean just healing a sick person.  It is restoring them to meaningful life.  We have been entrusted the power message of Jesus Christ that restores people to meaningful life.
          Blessed are our eyes for we see the Kingdom coming.  We have been given the amazing gift of Jesus’ own authority and power to speak the Word of peace and to do works of healing.  If that doesn’t blow your mind I don’t know what will.  But it is the truth.  Let us go forth in it.  Amen.