Saturday 17 December 2016

A Community of Treason

Romans 1:1-7
Do you have one of “those houses” in your neighbourhood that everybody wonders what’s going on in there but nobody dares to ask?  People are coming and going all the time, but for what?  Are they drug dealers?  What if that house is a terrorist cell, a community of treason that’s going to overthrow the world as we know it?  Well, I want you to use your imagination for a moment and try to get a glimpse of what it may have been like to live in a 1st Century Roman town about this size of this one and you had some Christians in your neighbourhood.
You live just a couple villas down from one of the most successful small business leaders in town.  In the past year people from all walks of life have started going into his home particularly on Sunday for a feast; the wives of other businessmen, widows, other peoples slaves, people you knew to be freed slaves, strangers from out of town, and occasionally what looked like Jews.  You have even seen beggars and prostitutes going in and out of his house!
You ask around and you find out that these people have become followers of a Jewish sect who worship one of those Jewish messiah’s known as Jesus of Nazareth.  The story is that he was a great teacher and healer, a prophet.  Yet, he was betrayed by the Jewish authorities and was crucified before he could even raise a rebellion.  They claim he resurrected from the dead and ascended into the heavenlies to sit at the right hand of the God of the Jews and reigns the universe from there.  They also say his Spirit comes to be with them and lives in them and has and will raise them from the dead too.  There is also a rumour that they believe they are eating his body and drinking his blood when they feast. 
You are curious about these neighbours, but you know to stay away.  The way they talk about Jesus is treasonous and you have no intent of winding up on a cross for taking part in a Jewish revolt against Caesar and the Roman Empire.  They call Jesus Lord and Saviour as if he were Caesar.  Caesar has given the world Pax Romana.  Never has the world known peace and security as it does now because Caesar’s army is everywhere.  Only a fool would believe Roman rule is not a blessing from the gods.  But, these Christians seem to embody peace and practice justice and charity without having to crucify people.
The Christians say that Jesus, like Apollo, was the Son of God become human and this was proven they say when he raised from the dead.  So they say Jesus is Son of God with power, a power that is greater than Caesar’s because he has been bodily raised from the dead.  You believe Caesar is the Son of Jupiter and that when he dies he will become a god too.  But they say Jesus was seen by hundreds of people after he resurrected and not just by the high priest of Jupiter who says he saw Caesar’s soul rise in glory from his body.
The Christians say Jesus is coming back to establish his kingdom.  When he comes all the dead will be raised and the world will be made new and all the unjust powers will be unseated.  They say the whole world will be filled with the glory of their God and healed of evil and the futility of death.  They also say that they all are children of God too, just like Jesus, and are going to receive a wondrous inheritance when he returns.
Something else about these Christians is that they don’t worship the gods anymore and they don’t go to the feasts.  They are weird that way and catch a lot of grief because of it.  It has cost many of them their jobs.  Occasionally, we hear of them getting arrested because they won’t call Caesar Lord. 
You don’t know what to make of all this, but you just know these particular neighbours are the most compassionate and peaceable people in town and would give a meal and the shirt off their back to any who needed it.  They are enviable for this.  Something even more odd about them is that the men treat women and slaves as their equals.  Houses like these are springing up all over town; and, all over the Empire.  You wonder what kind of a rebellion this is.
Christian households were communities of treason back in the 1st Century.  Jesus is Lord and Caesar was not.  They tried to live according to the non-violent and just Kingdom they believed Jesus was soon to bring.  They had the power of love as opposed to the love of power that undergirded the Empire (N.T. Wright).  They didn’t just believe the Gospel that Jesus is Lord and his kingdom is at hand.  They were becoming it, living proof of it (Michael Gorman).  Church was house-based.  You opened you’re home to all walks of life and everybody was equal.  Hospitality was key.  A Christian house-church was a mission base.  Of course, your neighbours wondered what was going on.
Last week I shared the quote of the day that the Mainline churches like ours are no longer Mainline, but rather we are Sideline.  Well, on the sideline is a good place to be.  It gives a chance to regroup and decide what’s important.  We don’t have a “church” image to keep up.  We don’t have to do those things, those programs we believe that people believe churches are supposed to do.  We just need to be the people of God.  So we can experiment, try knew things, such as actually loving our neighbours.  If one idea doesn’t, try something else. 
But, I’m partial to believing that if we truly want to talk about God-with-us, then we need to consider a church that will be house-based and truly family-like.  A few months ago I shared an image of church in the neighbourhood that was based on my grandparent’s front porch.  I have another image to share, my best friends home. 
The Landis’ house was one of those that there were always a lot of cars out front and people coming and going.  It was a hub for Mom Landis’ extended family, for her own adult children, and many other friends of the family.  There was always food if you were hungry and a bottomless pot of coffee.  She went to church; sometimes more regular than others.  There were times that she opened her home to have the church people over for Bible Study or a meeting.  I recall that there was always a Bible laying around somewhere usually in the kitchen, quite often open; and the picture of the old man praying over his bread.  Her solution to life’s problems was “come on and go to church.”  Worked.  That’s why I stand before you today.  Mom Landis was never pushy about her faith, but there are many people who can say that the example she has lived was key to their own Christian faith. 
It is nearing Christmas and we talk about Emmanuel, God with us. The open-home way that Mom Landis has lived as a Christian is the most profound way we can talk about God being with us.  At her house the Kingdom of God has come near.  The Lord Jesus has sat at her table and I don’t think there is anyone who has sat at that table who can deny that.  The power of the love of God in Christ flows like a river there.  The way she opens her home is very much like the way they did church in the 1st Century.  Maybe it’s the model for the Sideline church of the 21st Century.  Ponder that.  Amen.