Saturday 14 April 2018

There's Power in the Name of Jesus

Acts 3:1-21
Click Here for Sermon Audio
A few years back I became the blessed recipient of this here Names of Jesus mug.  It bolsters my faith; makes me feel very secure, indeed, confident and powerful when I have it with me.  Nothing can stand against me when I am standing boldly with my Names of Jesus mug.  It's loaded with the Names of Jesus - Bread of Life, Alpha and Omega, Immanuel, Messiah, Lamb of God, Saviour, Son of Man.  With all these Jesus names this Names of Jesus mug is full of names of Jesus power.  I’m going to testify, people.  I was sitting on the subway the other day and this guy was giving me the evil eye, trying to curse me I know he was.  I just lifted my Names of Jesus mug to him and gave him a nod like I was going to say, "Cheers" and be friendly, but instead I said, "Names of Jesus, Buddy".  Dude gets off at the next stop.  There’s power in the Names of Jesus mug.  Let me hear you say amen.  The Names of Jesus mug, I think I'd better stop before I go too far with this.  
But still let's just stop and think for a minute…a Names of Jesus mug?  Seriously? What have we come to here in Western Christianity that we can go to a gift shop and buy somebody a mug with the names of Jesus on it?  I’m going to sidestep the whole thing about commercializing Jesus and post the positives.  The mug is obviously a memory tool, a gift of assurance I might say, to remind us who Jesus is and what he has done for not only us each but the whole of Creation.  Jesus is the food of real life.  He’s the one through whom all things were created and the one in whom all things will find their end or completion.  He is God with us, God become man; the gentle one, the sacrificial Lamb who by his death has born our sin away.  He is the mighty one born of the Jewish people who has, does, and will deliver us from all things that oppress us even death.  This mug assures me of that Jesus can do all these things.
This mug is also meant to be an opportunity to proclaim Jesus.  That’s good to know, but for me, my contact with people is overwhelming with other Christians.  That being the case, I can get away with drinking from this mug publicly with little to no consequence.  It’s not odd to see a minister in his or her church office or at home drinking coffee from a Names of Jesus mug.  People just say, “Sunday School picnic prize nobody claimed, preacher got a free cup.”  Or, “Oh my, what else do you give to a minister?”  
Now, what if my work was out there in the real world where I was in contact with mostly non-Christians?  It is probable that drinking coffee from this mug in my work place would have its difficulties.  There would be the odd person who would respect my courage and say so and also the odd Christian who would think I was their guaranteed water cooler friend.  There would also be the one or two who would make me and my Names of Jesus mug bear the butt of many jokes.  It is likely I wouldn’t be included in on the reindeer games because people would assume me to be highly moralistic, judgemental, and easily offended.  My supervisor would likely tell me my mug is making others uncomfortable and encourage me to bring another because the office isn’t the place for proselytizing. 
Besides coffee mugs, theirs another odd thing we do with the name of Jesus.  We tack it on at the end of our prayers because that makes them official?  I know I feel a considerable bit of weirdness if I don't end a public prayer saying "in Jesus name we pray."  There are people who really believe our prayers won't get answered unless we superstitiously tack onto them the seemingly magic words "in Jesus' name".  
But anyway, if we look at the New Testament the name of Jesus is way more than gift shop cheese and a prayer closer.  It would not be an understatement to say that everything the church does is in and by means of the name of Jesus.  Jesus sends the church into the world in his name which means with his authority and power.  The church teaches, baptizes, heals, and casts out demons in Jesus' name and…and it suffers for his name’s sake.
Looking at this morning’s passage from the Book of Acts, Peter wants the crowd to know that it was by the name of Jesus not by the Apostle’s own power that this man born lame was healed.  It was Jesus’ name – Jesus whom they, the Jewish authorities and the Jerusalem crowds in conjunction with the Romans, crucified, but whom their God, the God of their father’s Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob glorified and raised from the dead.  Jesus’ name healed the man – Jesus’ authority and power exercised by the disciples through faith, through prayer, at their command.
I don’t know the number of times I have read this account of Peter and John healing this man.  It gets my attention in a way that’s difficult for me to say.  This thing of Peter and John suddenly stopping on their way into the temple and staring intently at this lame beggar as if they “knew” something was up. And then, after getting the man to stare back at them, Peter says to him, "I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!"  They take him by the hand and start raising him up and his legs strengthen.  Never before had this man been able to stand and walk.  Jesus restored him to perfect health.  He could now work.  People would now see him as blessed by God rather than cursed. 
This sort of blatant display of the power of Jesus’ name just does not seem to be in our bag of tricks and I suspect it would shock us into silence if it happened here.  In my experience healing doesn’t happen so miraculously.  Its sounds like TV preacher stuff.  This is just not my experience of the way healing works.
Nevertheless, let’s not dismiss this outright. Jesus is the Lord of the Kingdom of God and of all Creation and he has sent us into the world in his name, which means for us to be his proxy and to exercise his authority and power which he has given to us.  To quantify the type of power we’re talking about; since it is the name of Jesus the risen Son of God, the power we have proxy of is the power by which God the Father raised Jesus from the dead through the Holy Spirit.  It is a re-creative power, a renewing power, a delivering from oppressive powers power, a healing power that brings glory and honour to Jesus, the Risen One. 
The primary business of the church is testifying to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, here is where it gets real.  But let’s remind ourselves again that it is not our own power or piety or efforts at work here.  It is Jesus himself working through us as indeed he is alive and in our midst, indeed in us and we in him by the unioning work of the Holy Spirit who bonds us to Jesus.  
Okay.  So, I realize I’ve thrown a lot of theology at you.  What is it to really be ministering in Jesus Name?  Well, ministering in his name requires that we be “in his name”.  “In his name” is also a place.  Let me use the analogy of coming in out of the cold into a heated room.  Gathering together in Christian fellowship, he is present with us and there is something different about our fellowship that is different than other kinds of fellowship and it is like coming out of the cold into a heated room.  It feels different.  There’s a song that goes, “There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place, and I know that it’s the Spirit of the Lord.”  That’s being “in” Jesus’ Name.
Similarly, the more time we spend throughout the day in prayer, in being aware of Jesus always being with us is also like being in a heated room getting warm with a warmth that stays with you.  “In his name” we experience our selves being filled with him and things begin to happen in us.  “In his name” we find ourselves being healed of character defects and being filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; the fruits of the inward working of the Holy Spirit.  The greatest testimony to the resurrection of Jesus that we each can give is the transformation he has brought about in us.  The super-fantastic nearly unbelievable things do happen in his name, but more importantly the power of Jesus’ name is at work in each of us making us to be more and more like him day by day.  Keep coming back to Christian fellowship and keep praying and you will find yourself truly beginning to be towards others as Jesus is and ministering to others in his name and it will happen that someone will rise up and start praising God because of your ministering to them “in Jesus’ name”.  Amen.