Saturday 15 September 2018

What Are We Thinking?

“Notwithstanding” the past week in Ontario politics, American politics tend to be much more entertaining.  The 2020 presidential election, though less than 2 years away, promises to fill the bill like another movie in the “Expendables” franchise.  One candidate to watch for is a political activist and performance artist who calls himself Vermin Supreme.  His real name is Vermin Love Supreme.  He has been running for public office at all levels of government since the 1980’s.  This will be at least his fifth attempt at becoming POTUS.  He sports a big bushy grey beard and wears a black rubber boot on his head.  Vermin claims he is naturally qualified for the job because all politicians are vermin and since his name is Vermin Supreme he should be at the top of the heap.
Vermin Supreme claims to be a fascist anarchist.  He says we misunderstand Anarchy when we think it is just people run amuck doing whatever they want.  Rather, Anarchy is what happens after a major disaster or car crash – people pulling together to do the compassionate thing. 
Supreme’s campaign platform is interesting.  He promises that if elected, he will give everyone in the U.S. a pony.  This will reduce dependence on foreign oil, create jobs, and the manure can be used to revitalize the soil that has been exploited by big agriculture.  Moreover, everybody will have to have their pony with them at all times because their pony will be their personal identification.  He says he will make it a law that all people must brush their teeth.  Strong teeth will make a strong nation.  He will also provide a government-sponsored toothpaste made with mildly addictive but harmless ingredients.  He also promises to give all people with major health problems a free bus ticket to Canada where they will actually get care.  These are only a few of his insight promises.
Vermin Supreme may seem like a joke candidate only capable of drawing protest votes, but maybe there’s something there.  He’s smart and all of his outrageous promises address critical flaws in American government.  But, simply electing a fascist anarchist won’t fix the problem neither in the States nor here in Canada.  The fundamental flaw is with the people.  Citizens down there and up here too do not think “how can we build a more perfect union” but rather we tend to think of ourselves first and demand government protect “my” freedom to live “my” life in the pursuit of “my” own happiness, which translates into “keep the economy going so I can keep buying things that I don’t need but that I have been led to believe will make me happy.”  We think the things of “me”, rather that the things of “we”.
The Twelve Disciples had a similar problem with respect to what it meant for Jesus to be the Messiah and for them to be his disciples.  They had come to see that he was the Messiah, but they couldn’t see beyond their own expectations of what the Messiah was supposed to do and what it meant for them.  They knew the Messiah was to bring the kingdom of God, which meant getting rid of the Romans and the corrupt Judean royalty and then establishing a fair and just kingdom in which they, the Twelve, as Jesus followers would be his vice-regents.  Their problem was as Jesus said to Peter, “you are not thinking the things of God but the things of men.”
In Mark’s Gospel this passage comes on the tail end of Jesus having led the disciples all over Galilee and into Gentile lands on a Kingdom of God Share-The-Bread Tour where he distributed the bread that was left over from feeding the 5,000.  He proved himself to be the Messiah who was bringing in the kingdom of God according to about every Old Testament prophecy there is.  He had caused the lame to leap, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the mute to speak.  He had freed those held captive by demons.  He had caused Gentiles to have faith and to praise Israel’s God.  He had truly manifested the kingdom of God in their midst and they had participated in it.
But, then Jesus went a little Vermin Supreme on them and began to teach them of other Scriptures that said the Messiah would have to suffer at the hands of the religious and political authorities and be put to death and then on the third day rise again.  This was information the disciples couldn’t process.  According to their expectations, the Messiah was supposed to raise an army that included the angels of heaven, restore Israel’s independence, and rule in God’s name just like King David did in the good ole days.  He would end corruption of every kind.  His kingdom would be one of peace and justice and fairness.  Everyone was going to have their own vine and fig tree to sit under…and most importantly…the Messiah they were expecting was not supposed to die. 
Then Jesus went on to say that being his follower meant renouncing claim to oneself and taking up a cross too…also not on their list of expectations.  As those closest to Jesus – those who had left everything to follow him – they were expecting to sit enthroned at his side ruling with him.  But Jesus began to tell them that to be his followers they would have to renounce claim to their very selves.  They must deny themselves and think, “my life is not my own to seek my own goals, gain, and glory.  I now belong to Jesus for the proclamation and ministry of his kingdom which is at hand”. 
And it gets more difficult.  To take up the cross is to share in Jesus’ suffering for the sake of the world through the task of proclaiming and ministering the kingdom of God being at hand.  It would not be worldly gain for the Twelve.  They just could not wrap their heads around that.  Seriously, just a few days later James and John had the audacity to come to Jesus to ask him if they could sit at his right and at his left when he takes his throne.  The disciples simply were not thinking the things of God but rather the things of man.
Now to turn this around to us, we suffer the same malady.  We call Jesus Lord and Saviour, Messiah, Christ, God’s Holy Spirit Anointed King, and Son of God yet we too misunderstand what it means for Jesus to be the Messiah, the bringer of the Kingdom of God, and for us to be his followers, his heralds.  For most Christians Jesus is simply our moral example, our ticket into a favourable afterlife, and a bit of psychological help in times of trouble.  We tend not to think of Jesus being the King of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God as something present in which we now participate.  The Kingdom of God is at hand.  It is here among us.  We as a gathering of Jesus-followers are participants right now in the Kingdom of God over which Jesus reigns through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Here’s how.  The Kingdom of God exists as a Holy Spirit filled community of disciples who strive to know Jesus more fully and who renounce claim to their selves to find their life in him.  It comes about when those who call themselves Christian gather together around the Bible and let themselves be challenged and recreated by its demands.   The Kingdom of God exists as a community where in the name of Jesus blind eyes begin to see with compassion.  Deaf ears begin to hear with empathy.  Mute mouths begin to speak the truth in love and the lame leap up and begin to walk the way of the cross.  The Kingdom of God exists as the community where in Jesus’ name faithfulness, honest communication, kindness, and forgiveness are the way of life.  The Kingdom of God exists as the community where those who follow Jesus share their weaknesses and allow themselves to be prayed for and supported.  That Kingdom of God exists as the community that feels no shame in inviting others to come and share in the good news that Jesus and his Kingdom are here; yes, right here in our little fellowship.
This leaves us with a question: “What are we thinking”?  Are we thinking the things of God or the things of man?  Are we each truly striving to know Jesus and participate in his kingdom before anything else or is “God” just a crutch I lean on and this congregation just a motley crew of good people who are like minded to myself and so I give them space in my life because I believe its important?  If we really want to live we must stop trying to fit Jesus into our own individual lives, which is thinking the things of man, and start asking what’s my place in him, which is thinking the things of God?  Amen.